New Beginning's Journal

Dec 2006
4:10 PM EDT

Remember to pray the rosery every morning and confess your sins,because you fear Not going to heaven,and the pain suffering and fires of Going hell,but also because by sinning you offend God your Father,the One who made you,Always keep this in mind as you go through the day.

Dec 2006
3:11 PM EDT

-New Year's Resolutions-----I have never been such a firm beliver in resolutions because all one ever hears about them is how long the person could last until they ran out of steam and gave up,so instead,i choose to make a NEW LIFE RESOLUTION.In this type of resolution is one in which the person not only vows to take on a chalenge of bettering themself for good,but they do it simply through God's Grace, personal perserverance,and most importantly, prayer,in learning,in defending what it is you enjoy,what you stand for,where you are, and where you hope to go,set a firm path,but be prepared to make it flexible,but never stray far from your origional plan for yourself.That Is My Resolution.1. To grow spiritaly in faith, grow in Martial Arts, and.3. to grow in learning.Yet again God,Martial Arts,and Education.

Dec 2006
2:50 PM EDT

-A channal-Martial Arts- Question: What are your thoughts when facing an opponent? Bruce: There is no opponent. Question: Why is that? Bruce: Because the word ''l'' does not exist. A good fight should be like a small play...but played seriously. When the opponent expands, l contract. When he contracts, l expand. And when there is an opportunity... l do not hits all by itself (shows his fist). Any technique, however worthy and desirable, becomes a disease when the mind is obsessed with it. To ME, Martial Arts Is a way of expressing myself,weather it be by abulities, my discontent with the opponent or with my surroundings;to me it becomes very speritual,very speritual like,to the point were my belifes in Chathoilsism intertwins with my depiction of martial arts. It then,puts everything in perspective,that all life is good and no body has a right to take it away,unless they are reacting to such an intent;that all of life is precious and is a blessing for each one of us, providing a balance BAD and Overwelmingly GOOD, I belive that both are nessary if we are to be content with this life we find ourselves traped in today.

New Beginning's Profile

  • Username: New Beginning
  • Gender / Age: Male, 47
  • Location: USA - Georgia
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    NEW BEGINNING's Interests:

    About Me: God,Martial Arts,School

    Interests: God,Martial Arts,School

    Favorite Music: the good kind

    Favorite Movies: The Legand of the Drunken Master

    Favorite Television: Plasma

    Favorite Books: Bible,Catholic Book of Prayers,Bruce Lee's Fighting Method